A : Mom. I am running out of money.
B : What did you do with 2000.
A : Pay for my meals.
B : Pay for your meals?
B : I know you are not a heavy eater.
A : Pay for reference book, test book.
I got to know a pretty girl.
B : You don’t have to pay all the time.
           Men and women are equal, why don’t you Go Dutch.
A : Mom. I’ll take your advice next time.
Every word you said costs me money.
B : Ask that girl to treat you.
You’ll be my guest. You treat.
A : May I speak Ruby?
B : Speaking. Who’s calling.
A : Susan. 
B : What’s up?
A : Would you come over my house to wrap boiled dumpling?
B : Great. By the way, who else do you invite?
A : Nacy. Laura. Mike.
B : Sorry. I could not come.
A : Tell me why?
B : I don’t like Nacy. She is a Gossip woman.
A : I’d like you to see a movie, the movie is calledGhost.  Have you seen it before?
B : No, but I like it, but…..No money.
A : Don’t worry, you’ll be my guest. The movie starts 7:00, 9:00. When are you convenient?
B : 7:00, by the way, where shall we meet?
A : Let’s meet in front of New World Theater.
L : Susan. 人山人海. I don’t want to see it,maybe we delay it tomorrow?
S : No, tomorrow the movie is cancelled.
L:       What shall we do?
S : I got a good idea, We may get the scalper ticket.

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